Josep Puig, Mariano Werner, Guillem Dolz, Alejandro Pascagaza, Pepus Daunis-i-Estadella, Marc Comas-Cufí, Eva González, Jon Fondevila, Pedro Vega, Eduardo Murias, Veredas Romero, Carlos Martínez, Fernando Aparici-Robles, Lluis Morales-Caba, Sebastià Remollo, Isabel Rodríguez-Caamaño, Carlos Pérez-García, Santiago Rosati, Saima Bashir, Isabel Vielba-Gómez, Sonia Aixut, Andrés Julián Paipa, Javier Martínez-Fernández, Yeray Aguilar, Eduardo Fandiño, Giovanni Barbieri, Blanca García-Villalba, Víctor Cuba, Miguel Castaño, Jordi Blasco
Distal access catether improves balloon guide and stent retriever thrombectomy outcomes in nonagenarians.
Journal of Neuroimaging,
Pedro Navia, Andrés Javier Barrios, Cristina Utrilla, Blanca Fuentes, Andrés Fernández-Prieto, Alberto Álvarez-Muelas, Remedios Frutos, Begoña Marín, Arantxa Royo, Pilar García-Raya, Amelia Fernández-Zubillaga, Elena de Celis, Josep Puig, Marc Comas-Cufí, Luis-Alonso Arráez-Aybar, Gonzalo Garzón
Middle cerebral artery M2 occlusions: impact of segment dominance and benefit of direct aspiration for the first-pass effect.
Journal of Neuroimaging,
Mario Matute-González, Anna Darnell, Marc Comas-Cufí, Javier Pazó, Alexandre Soler, Belén Saborido, Ezequiel Mauro, Juan Turnes, Alejandro Forner, María Reig, Jordi Rimola
Utilizing a domain-specific large language model for LI-RADS v2018 categorisation of free-text MRI reports: a feasibility study.
Insights into Imaging,
Lluís Bosch, Josep Pueyo-Ros, Marc Comas-Cufí, Joan Saldaña, Jordi Ripoll, Eusebi Calle, Pau Fonseca, Joan Garcia, Carles M. Borrego, Lluís Corominas
Watching the guards: a data-driven method to trigger warnings in national wastewater surveillance networks.
Journal of Water and Health,
Jaime Aboal, Rafel Ramos, Carmen Martín, Pablo Loma-Osorio, Juan Carlos Palacio, Victor Agudelo, Imma Boada, Oriol Aguiló, Victor Pérez, Gloria Díaz, Esteban Gaitán, Joan Manuel Martinez, Manel Vicente, Marc Comas-Cufí, Ramón Brugada
Evaluation of the ODISEA APP for improving a STEMI regional network.
International Journal of Cardiology,
Eduardo Murias, Josep Puig, Carmen Serna, Eva María Gonzalez, Manuel Moreu, Elvira Jimenez-Gomez, Luis SanRoman, Fernando Aparici-Robles, Mikel Terceño, Antonio Mosqueira Martínez, Sonia Axiut, Veredas Romero, Jose Carlos Mendez, Antonio Sagredo-Barra, Yeray Aguilar, Mariano Espinosa de Rueda, Miguel Angel Castańo Blázquez, Saima Bashir, José Rodríguez Castro, Alfonso Lopez-Frías, Jose María Jiménez, Juan Chaviano, Victor Maestro, Xavier Manso, Antonio Lopez-Rueda, Sebastià Remollo, Lluis Morales-Caba, Marc Comas-Cufí, Pedro Vega
Enhancing the First-Pass Effect in Acute Stroke: The Impact of Stent Retriever Characteristics.
Journal of Clinical Medicine,
Alberto Zamora, Rafel Ramos, Marc Comas-Cufí, Maria del Mar García-Gil, Ruth Martí-Lluch, Núria Plana, Lia Alves-i-Cabratosa, Anna Ponjoan, Celia Rodríguez-Borjabad, Daiana Ibarretxe, Irene Román Dégano, Jaume Marrugat, Roberto Elosua, Anabel Martín-Urda, Luís Masana
Women with Familial Hypercholesterolemia Phenotype are undertreated and poorly controlled compared to men.
Scientific Reports,
Rafel Ramos, Lia Alves-i-Cabratosa, Jordi Blanch, Àlex Pèlach, Laura Albert, Quirze Salomó, Sílvia Cabarrocas, Marc Comas-Cufí, Ruth Martí-Lluch, Anna Ponjoan, Maria del Mar García-Gil, Salomé de Cambra, Albert d’Anta, Elisabet Balló, Albert Alum, Rosa Núria Aleixandre
SARS-CoV-2 transmission risk screening for safer social events: a non-randomised controlled study.
Scientific Reports,
Lia Alves-i-Cabratosa, Marc Comas-Cufí, Jordi Blanch, Ruth Martí-Lluch, Anna Ponjoan, Antoni Castro Guardiola, Abelardo Hurtado-Ganoza, Ana Pérez-Jaén, Maria Rexach-Fumaña, Delfi Faixedes-Brunsoms, Maria Angels Gispert-Ametller, Anna Guell-Cargol, Maria Rodriguez-Batista, Ferran Santaularia-Font, Ramon Orriols, Marc Bonnin-Vilaplana, Juan Carlos Calderón-López, Gladis Sabater-Talaverano, Francesc Xavier Queralt-Moles, Sara Rodriguez-Requejo, Esteve Avellana-Revuelta, Elisabet Balló, Ester Fages-Masmiquel, Josep-Maria Sirvent, Carol Lorencio, Josep Miquel Morales-Pedrosa, Patricia Ortiz-Ballujera, Rafel Ramos
Persons with SARS-CoV-2 during the First and Second Waves in Catalonia (Spain): A Retrospective Observational Study Using Daily Updated Data.
JMIR Public Health and Surveillance,
Jordi Mayneris-Perxachs, Maria Francesca Russo, Rafel Ramos, Anna de Hollanda, Arola Armengou Arxé, Matteo Rottoli, Maria Arnoriaga-Rodríguez, Marc Comas-Cufí, Michele Bartoletti, Ornella Verrastro, Carlota Gudiol, Ester Fages-Masmiquel, Marga Giménez, Ariadna de Genover Gil, Paolo Bernante, Francisco J Tinahones, Jordi Carratalà, Uberto Pagotto, Ildefonso Hernández-Aguado, Fernando Fernández-Aranda, Fernanda Meira, Antoni Castro Guardiola, Geltrude Mingrone, José Manuel Fernández-Real
Blood Hemoglobin Substantially Modulates the Impact of Gender, Morbid Obesity, and Hyperglycemia on COVID-19 Death Risk: A Multicenter Study in Italy and Spain.
Frontiers in Endocrinology,
Margarida Casellas-Robert, Chetana Lim, Santiago Lopez-Ben, Laura Lladó, Chady Salloum, Jaume Codina-Font, Marc Comas-Cufí, Emilio Ramos, Joan Figueras, Daniel Azoulay
Laparoscopic Liver Resection for Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Child-Pugh A patients with and without Portal Hypertension: A Multicentre Study.
World Journal of Surgery,
Anna Ponjoan, Josep Garre-Olmo, Jordi Blanch, Ester Fages-Masmiquel, Lia Alves-i-Cabratosa, Ruth Martí-Lluch, Marc Comas-Cufí, Dídac Parramon, Maria del Mar García-Gil, Rafel Ramos
Is it time to use real world data from primary care in Alzheimer’s disease?.
Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy,
Jaime Aboal, Rafel Ramos, Pablo Loma-Osorio, Maria Núñez, Marc Comas-Cufí, Josep Iglesies, Sergio Moral, Daniel Bosch, Ruth Martí-Lluch, Lia Alves-i-Cabratosa, Ramón Brugada
Factores asociados a retrasos de tiempo desde el electrocardiograma diagnóstico hasta el paso de guía en el infarto agudo de miocardio con elevación del segmento ST transferido para angioplastia primaria.
Lia Alves-i-Cabratosa, Marc Comas-Cufí, Anna Ponjoan, Maria del Mar García-Gil, Ruth Martí-Lluch, Jordi Blanch, Marc Elosua-Bayés, Dídac Parramon, Lourdes Camós, Lidia Guzmán, Rafel Ramos
Levels of ankle-brachial index and the risk of diabetes mellitus complications.
BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care,
Rafel Ramos, Luís Masana, Marc Comas-Cufí, Maria del Mar García-Gil, Ruth Martí-Lluch, Anna Ponjoan, Núria Plana, Lia Alves-i-Cabratosa, Jaume Marrugat, Roberto Elosua, Irene Román Dégano, Manuel Angel Gomez-Marcos, Alberto Zamora
Derivation and validation of SIDIAP-FHP score: A new risk model predicting cardiovascular disease in Familial Hypercholesterolemia.
Luís Masana, Alberto Zamora, Núria Plana, Marc Comas-Cufí, Maria del Mar García-Gil, Ruth Martí-Lluch, Anna Ponjoan, Lia Alves-i-Cabratosa, Roberto Elosua, Jaume Marrugat, Irene Román Dégano, Rafel Ramos
Incidence of cardiovascular disease in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia phenotype: analysis of 5 years follow-up of real-world data from more than 1.5 million patients.
Journal of Clinical Medicine,
Maria del Mar García-Gil, Marc Comas-Cufí, Rafel Ramos, Ruth Martí-Lluch, Lia Alves-i-Cabratosa, Dídac Parramon, Daniel Prieto-Alhambra, José Miguel Baena-Díez, Betlem Salvador, Roberto Elosua, Irene Román Dégano, Jaume Marrugat, Maria Grau
Effectiveness of statins as primary prevention in people with gout: a population-based cohort study.
Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics,
Lia Alves-i-Cabratosa, Maria del Mar García-Gil, Marc Comas-Cufí, Jordi Blanch, Anna Ponjoan, Ruth Martí-Lluch, Marc Elosua-Bayés, Dídac Parramon, Lourdes Camós, Rafel Ramos
Role of Low Ankle-Brachial Index in Cardiovascular and Mortality Risk Compared with Major Risk Conditions.
Journal of Clinical Medicine,
Anna Ponjoan, Josep Garre-Olmo, Jordi Blanch, Ester Fages-Masmiquel, Lia Alves-i-Cabratosa, Ruth Martí-Lluch, Marc Comas-Cufí, Dídac Parramon, Maria del Mar García-Gil, Rafel Ramos
How well can electronic health records from primary care identify Alzheimer’s disease cases?.
Clinical Epidemiology,
Anna Ponjoan, Josep Garre-Olmo, Jordi Blanch, Ester Fages-Masmiquel, Lia Alves-i-Cabratosa, Ruth Martí-Lluch, Marc Comas-Cufí, Dídac Parramon, Maria del Mar García-Gil, Rafel Ramos
Epidemiology of dementia: prevalence and incidence estimates using validated electronic health records from primary care.
Clinical Epidemiology,
Lia Alves-i-Cabratosa, Marc Elosua-Bayés, Maria del Mar García-Gil, Marc Comas-Cufí, Ruth Martí-Lluch, Anna Ponjoan, Jordi Blanch, Dídac Parramon, Manuel Angel Gomez-Marcos, Rafel Ramos
Hypertension and high ankle brachial index: the overlooked combination.
Journal of Hypertension,
Alberto Zamora, Luís Masana, Marc Comas-Cufí, Núria Plana, Àlex Vila, Maria del Mar García-Gil, Lia Alves-i-Cabratosa, Roberto Elosua, Jaume Marrugat, Rafel Ramos
Number of patients eligible for PCSK9 inhibitors based on real-world data from 2.5 million patients.
Revista Española de Cardiología,
Rafel Ramos, Marc Comas-Cufí, Ruth Martí-Lluch, Elisabet Balló, Anna Ponjoan, Lia Alves-i-Cabratosa, Jordi Blanch, Jaume Marrugat, Roberto Elosua, Maria Grau, Marc Elosua-Bayés, Luís Garcia, Maria del Mar García-Gil
Statins for primary prevention of cardiovascular events and mortality in the old and very old population: retrospective cohort study.
Marc Elosua-Bayés, Ruth Martí-Lluch, Maria del Mar García-Gil, Lourdes Camós, Marc Comas-Cufí, Jordi Blanch, Anna Ponjoan, Lia Alves-i-Cabratosa, Roberto Elosua, Maria Grau, Jaume Marrugat, Rafel Ramos
Association of classic cardiovascular risk factors and lifestyles with the cardio-ankle vascular index in a general Mediterranean population.
Revista Española de Cardiología,
Maria del Mar García-Gil, Marc Comas-Cufí, Jordi Blanch, Ruth Martí-Lluch, Anna Ponjoan, Lia Alves-i-Cabratosa, Irene Petersen, Jaume Marrugat, Roberto Elosua, Maria Grau, Rafel Ramos
Effectiveness of statins as primary prevention in people with different cardiovascular risk: a population-based cohort study.
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics,
José Miguel Baena-Díez, Maria del Mar García-Gil, Marc Comas-Cufí, Rafel Ramos, Daniel Prieto-Alhambra, Betlem Salvador, Roberto Elosua, Irene Román Dégano, Judith Peñafiel, Maria Grau
Association between chronic immune-mediated inflammatory diseases and cardiovascular risk.
Lia Alves-i-Cabratosa, Maria del Mar García-Gil, Marc Comas-Cufí, Anna Ponjoan, Ruth Martí-Lluch, Dídac Parramon, Jordi Blanch, Marc Elosua-Bayés, Rafel Ramos
Statins and new-onset atrial fibrillation in a cohort of patients with hypertension. Analysis of electronic health records, 2006-2015.
Ruth Martí-Lluch, Maria del Mar García-Gil, Lourdes Camós, Marc Comas-Cufí, Marc Elosua-Bayés, Jordi Blanch, Anna Ponjoan, Lia Alves-i-Cabratosa, Roberto Elosua, Maria Grau, Jaume Marrugat, Rafel Ramos
Differences in cardio-ankle vascular index in a general Mediterranean population depending on the presence or absence of metabolic cardiovascular risk factors.
Maria del Mar García-Gil, Dídac Parramon, Marc Comas-Cufí, Ruth Martí-Lluch, Anna Ponjoan, Lia Alves-i-Cabratosa, Jordi Blanch, Irene Petersen, Roberto Elosua, Maria Grau, Betlem Salvador, Rafel Ramos
Role of renal function in cardiovascular risk assessment: A retrospective cohort study in a population with low incidence of coronary heart disease.
Preventive Medicine,
Rafel Ramos, Maria del Mar García-Gil, Marc Comas-Cufí, Miquel Quesada, Jaume Marrugat, Roberto Elosua, Joan Sala, Maria Grau, Ruth Martí-Lluch, Anna Ponjoan, Lia Alves-i-Cabratosa, Jordi Blanch, Bonaventura Bolivar
Statins for prevention of cardiovascular events in a low-risk population with low ankle brachial index.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology,
Fernando Agüero, Griselda González-Zobl, José Miguel Baena-Díez, Irene Román Dégano, Maria del Mar García-Gil, Maria Teresa Alzamora, Jaume Marrugat, Marc Comas-Cufí, Guillem Pera, Roberto Elosua, Rafel Ramos, Maria Grau
Prevalence of lower extremity peripheral arterial disease in individuals with chronic immune mediated inflammatory disorders.
Maria del Mar García-Gil, Josep Maria Elorza, Marta Banque, Marc Comas-Cufí, Jordi Blanch, Rafel Ramos, Leonardo Méndez-Boo, Eduardo Hermosilla, Bonaventura Bolivar, Daniel Prieto-Alhambra
Linking of primary care records to census data to study the association between socioeconomic status and cancer incidence in Southern Europe: A nation-Wide ecological study.
Anna Ponjoan, Maria del Mar García-Gil, Ruth Martí-Lluch, Marc Comas-Cufí, Lia Alves-i-Cabratosa, Joan Sala, Jaume Marrugat, Roberto Elosua, Gabriel Coll de Tuero, Maria Grau, Rafel Ramos
Derivation and validation of BOREAS, a risk score identifying candidates to develop cold-induced hypertension.
Environmental Research,