Marc Comas-Cufí
Distal access catether improves balloon guide and stent retriever thrombectomy outcomes in nonagenarians
Middle cerebral artery M2 occlusions: impact of segment dominance and benefit of direct aspiration for the first-pass effect
Handling with vaccine type missing data in a dynamic cohort to assess the link between time-varying vaccination and an autoimmune disease
Utilizing a domain-specific large language model for LI-RADS v2018 categorisation of free-text MRI reports: a feasibility study
Evaluation of the ODISEA APP for improving a STEMI regional network
Watching the guards: a data-driven method to trigger warnings in national wastewater surveillance networks
Enhancing the First-Pass Effect in Acute Stroke: The Impact of Stent Retriever Characteristics
Seamless integration of sewer system topology and tree location data: An algorithm to diagnose the potential impact of tree roots on pipes and propose rearrangement solutions
Long-term respiratory consequences of COVID-19 related pneumonia: a cohort study
Women with Familial Hypercholesterolemia Phenotype are undertreated and poorly controlled compared to men
Artificial Stone Silicosis. Progression and Laboral Impact After a 3-years Follow-up
Assessment of thyroiditis risk associated with HPV vaccination among girls aged 9–18 years: A time-varying cohort study
SARS-CoV-2 transmission risk screening for safer social events: a non-randomised controlled study
Impact of residential greenness on myocardial infarction in population with diabetes: A sex-dependent association?
Persons with SARS-CoV-2 during the First and Second Waves in Catalonia (Spain): A Retrospective Observational Study Using Daily Updated Data
The effect of age and sex on factors associated with dementia
Ankle-brachial index and the risk of hemorrhagic stroke
Blood Hemoglobin Substantially Modulates the Impact of Gender, Morbid Obesity, and Hyperglycemia on COVID-19 Death Risk: A Multicenter Study in Italy and Spain
Extreme diurnal temperature range and cardiovascular emergency hospitalisations in a Mediterranean region
Laparoscopic Liver Resection for Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Child-Pugh A patients with and without Portal Hypertension: A Multicentre Study
Is it time to use real world data from primary care in Alzheimer’s disease?
Modelling count data using the logratio-normal-multinomial distribution
Factores asociados a retrasos de tiempo desde el electrocardiograma diagnóstico hasta el paso de guía en el infarto agudo de miocardio con elevación del segmento ST transferido para angioplastia primaria
Levels of ankle-brachial index and the risk of diabetes mellitus complications
Derivation and validation of SIDIAP-FHP score: A new risk model predicting cardiovascular disease in Familial Hypercholesterolemia
Incidence of cardiovascular disease in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia phenotype: analysis of 5 years follow-up of real-world data from more than 1.5 million patients
Three-year events and mortality in cardiovascular disease patients without lipid-lowering treatment
Effectiveness of statins as primary prevention in people with gout: a population-based cohort study
Prognostic value of the estimated glomerular filtration rate decline in hypertensive patients without chronic kidney disease
Role of Low Ankle-Brachial Index in Cardiovascular and Mortality Risk Compared with Major Risk Conditions
How well can electronic health records from primary care identify Alzheimer’s disease cases?
Epidemiology of dementia: prevalence and incidence estimates using validated electronic health records from primary care
Hypertension and high ankle brachial index: the overlooked combination
Number of patients eligible for PCSK9 inhibitors based on real-world data from 2.5 million patients
Statins for primary prevention of cardiovascular events and mortality in the old and very old population: retrospective cohort study
Prediabetes is associated with glomerular hyperfiltration in a European Mediterranean cohort study
Association of classic cardiovascular risk factors and lifestyles with the cardio-ankle vascular index in a general Mediterranean population
Palaeoenvironmental reconstructions through compositional data analysis
Effectiveness of statins as primary prevention in people with different cardiovascular risk: a population-based cohort study
Association between chronic immune-mediated inflammatory diseases and cardiovascular risk
Merging the components of a finite mixture using posterior probabilities
Statins and new-onset atrial fibrillation in a cohort of patients with hypertension. Analysis of electronic health records, 2006-2015
Differences in cardio-ankle vascular index in a general Mediterranean population depending on the presence or absence of metabolic cardiovascular risk factors
Familial hypercholesterolemia in a european mediterranean population. Prevalence and clinical data from 2.5 million primary care patients
Effects of extreme temperatures on cardiovascular emergency hospitalizations in a Mediterranean region: a self-controlled case series study
Log-ratio methods in mixture models for compositional data sets
Role of renal function in cardiovascular risk assessment: A retrospective cohort study in a population with low incidence of coronary heart disease
Diabetes and new-onset atrial fibrillation in a hypertensive population
Statins for prevention of cardiovascular events in a low-risk population with low ankle brachial index
Patterns of statin use and cholesterol goal attainment in a high risk cardiovascular population: a retrospective study of primary care electronic medical records
Prevalence of lower extremity peripheral arterial disease in individuals with chronic immune mediated inflammatory disorders
Incident atrial fibrillation hazard in hypertensive population: A risk function from and for clinical practice
Linking of primary care records to census data to study the association between socioeconomic status and cancer incidence in Southern Europe: A nation-Wide ecological study
Derivation and validation of BOREAS, a risk score identifying candidates to develop cold-induced hypertension
Estimating the risk of peripheral artery disease using different population strategies
Vertex fusion under distance constraints