The actual population residing in a municipality of Catalonia is composed by the census count and the so-called floating population (tourists, seasonal visitors, hostel students, short-time employees, and the like). Since actual population combines long and short term residents it is convenient to express it as equivalent full-time residents. Floating population may be positive if the + municipality is receiving more short term residents than it is sending elsewhere, or negative if the opposite holds (expressed as a percentage above –if positive– or below –if negative– the census count). The waste data set includes this information in the variable floating population. Floating population has a large impact on solid waste generation and thus waste can be used to predict floating population which is a hard to estimate demographic variable. This case study was presented in
An object of class data.frame
with 215 rows and 10 columns.
Tourists and census population do not generate the same volume of waste and have different consumption and recycling patterns (waste composition). The Catalan Statistical Institute (IDESCAT) publishes official floating population data for all municipalities in Catalonia (Spain) above 5000 census habitants. The composition of urban solid waste is classified into D = 5 parts: * x1 : non recyclable (grey waste container in Catalonia), * x2 : glass (bottles and jars of any colour: green waste container), * x3 : light containers (plastic packaging, cans and tetra packs: yellow container), * x4 : paper and cardboard (blue container), and * x5 : biodegradable waste (brown container).
G. Coenders, J.A.Martín-Fernández and B. Ferrer-Rosell, When relative and absolute information matter: compositional predictor with a total in generalized linear models. Statistical Modelling 17(6) (2017), 494–512.